Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cheney: "Obama trying to pretend"

Dick Cheney continues to make his views known as he accuses Obama of failing to realize we are at war.

Tylenol recall expanded

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

GPS strands couple on bad road

I love my GPS device even though, in some ways, it has made me a little more stupid. This story is a reminder to us all not to completely trust the "short cut" advice from our GPS unit.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Company forecloses on wrong condo, trashes out home

Nilly Mauck came home one day to find that her condo had been "trashed out". A foreclosure company came in and threw away all of her belongings. But it was the wrong condo. Mauck was offered $5,000 compensation for the trouble.

Banks doing more credit card modifications

Amid the down economy, more banks are offering modifications to card holders in an effort to reduce bankruptcies.

Cap and Tax D.O.A.?

Even Democrats are beginning to urge the White House to back away from cap and trade legislation. Unfortunately, the EPA and California are moving forward with their own plans to wreck the economy.

Israel calls home ALL ambassadors

For the first time ever, Israel has called ALL of its ambassadors and consuls home for meetings this week in Jerusalem.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Top 10 scams of 2009

The top ten scams from are:

10. Bank failure email
9. Auto warranties
8. Online car sales
7. Kevin Trudeau
6. Work-at-home schemes
5. Acai Berry (no relation to Halle)
4. Government stimulus
3. Debt settlement
2. Mortgage modifications
1. Free trial offers

I can't believe people are still falling for the government stimulus con. It's not like the government is sitting around trying to figure out how to recklessly spend large sums of money.

On second thought, I might have to rethink that.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What has become of Motown?

Steven Crowder tours the once great city of Detroit and surveys the damage from years of decline.

Bing v. Google: One reporter's take

If you're against the health care bill, you are a racist

Well, according to the most recent polls, up to 56 percent of Americans are knuckle dragging racists because they oppose the health care bill.

Finally, new limits on how long airliners can torture passengers

Monday, December 21, 2009

The future of e-readers?

This is an interesting concept video about how e-readers, particularly for magazines, might look in the future. Probably the not too distant future.

Mag+ (video prototype footage only) from Bonnier on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pathetic on so many levels

This "interview" is ridiculous on so many levels. I can't decide which is worse: Obama's assertion that the federal government will go broke unless a wildly expensive health care bill is passed; or is it Charlie Gibson's fawning softball interview.

Feeling queasy yet, you will after watching the next clip. In another example of media bias, here is a hard-hitting interview with Al Gore.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

James Cameron discusses underlying philosophy in Avatar

In another example of Hollywood indoctrination, Cameron explains the message behind Avatar.

Monday, December 14, 2009

One-child policy in America? Seems reasonable to CNN

Apparently a one-child policy in America seems perfectly reasonable to Jack Cafferty, Wolf Blitzer and some of their viewers.

I wonder if forced abortions would also seem reasonable. Of course China has already gone down that road. It has resulted in a gender imbalance that could threaten China's social stability as men outnumber women by a significant and growing margin.

Listen to this true story about forced abortions in China from Breakpoint. This is what a one-child policy looks like in the real world. Brutal.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

In case you missed it

Sarah Palin made a surprise appearance on Conan O'Brian Friday night... let the hilarity ensue.

Here is another very funny appearance on SNL during the '08 campaign.

And finally, here is a little behind the scenes at The Tonight Show.

Al Gore refuses to discuss climage change

Al Gore said that the climate change debate was over. Apparently what he meant to say is that he is too cowardly to debate the issue.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cool FREE new app from Android

WARNING: Entertainment can be dangerous to your (mental) health

It's in the air we breath, that certain something that you can't quite put your finger on. It makes you laugh, cry, get angry and shape your world view. You can't get away from it. It's the song on the radio, the TV in the background, the magazine article, the billboard advertisement and in the local theater. In other words, we are drowning in a sea of entertainment.

I can appreciate a good movie, a talented actor or singer, as much as the next guy. But I resent most of the values that come spilling over the airwaves and the Leftist politics that is embedded in much of our entertainment. Unfortunately, I think we fail to recognize how much of our world view is shaped by the entertainment culture.

I don't know if there is something in the drinking water in Hollywood, but there is a culture in the entertainment industry that tends to be way left of center. They also seem to have more than their fair share of eccentrics, because entertainers can say the craziest things:

Does that sound like a group of people firmly anchored to reality? I suspect that when you make large sums of money to play "make believe" for a living, it is difficult to understand the real world.

Next Question; does their world veiw ooze and drip like used chewing tobacco into movie and television scripts? You betcha. Here is just one example. I will post more in the future.

So, be aware and on the lookout for that certain something you can't quite put your finger on. Because the entertainment culture is everywhere. Kind of like the Matrix.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Card skimmer discovered at 7 - Eleven

A skimmer was discovered this week on a gas pump by an employee. No one knows how long it was there.

More disturbing news about Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings

How is it possible that a man like Kevin Jennings could be made a School Czar in the present administration? Big Government uncovered more troubling information about Jenning's agenda for our schools. WARNING: The following article contains explicit language.

Feinstein believes that tax payer funded abortion is "Morally correct"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nook is a bit slower than Kindle

Stop the presses! The Nook is a fraction of a second slower turning pages than the Kindle. It has also been reported that the Nook boots about a minute slower as well. Nevertheless, the Nook has some nice features that will likely force the Kindle to up it's game.

Regulatory fiat: The EPA's move to hamstring economy

With climategate festering in the background and a lack of enthusiasm among legislators and the public for cap and trade, the EPA begins it's own campaign to ruin the economy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

NPR: Fair and balanced?

Did NPR pressure reporter to end association with Fox News? Apparently so, according to Politico. Donor and tax payer funded National Public Radio (heard locally at KUOR 89.1 and KPCC 89.3) put pressure on Mara Liasson to end her association with Fox News during the White House boycott of the news organization.

Of course, this is not the first time NPR and Fox News have locked horns. News analyst Juan Williams has also had his share of blow-back from NPR listeners and critics for his association with Fox News. He was heavily criticized for his interview with then-President George W. Bush.

In another story that reveals how the wheels turn in the MSM, veteran reporter John Stossel, who recently left ABC for Fox News, discussed his contentious history at ABC and the difficulties he had getting projects to air on his former network.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Slim Fast issues massive recall

Slim Fast has recalled an estimated 10 million cans due to suspected bacteria contamination.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Best and worst cell phone carriers

Once again Consumer Reports has issued it's annual survey of the best and worst cell phone carriers with Verizon coming out on top and AT&T at the bottom.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oliver Stone: Reagan was dumb, Castro is great

It continues to amaze me. Ronald Reagan's presidency, by any objective standard, was a success. Yet, he is still derided by the Left, particularly the Hollywood Left as demonstrated in the following clip.

Now, here is clip of Oliver Stone in which he speaks about Fidel Castro with the greatest respect and admiration.

Apparently Stone just has a soft spot in his heart for despots. He despises a man like Reagan and admirers men like Castro and Chavez. Now who's dumb?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lake Arrowhead ski deal

Lake Arrowhead Resort is now offering overnight package deals starting at $195 per night. Package includes two lift tickets, two spa certificates and free parking.

OUTRAGE - Navy Seals face court-martial for capturing most-wanted terrorist

Global warming as a religion

Breakpoint commentary

Enemy camp?

I hate to keep beating the Chris Matthews drum here, but he's been bizarre comedy gold lately. It's interesting that  he would describe West Point as "the enemy camp" considering the remarks he made after the Fort Hood shooting in the following clip: "That's not a crime to contact al-Qaida is it?"

Doesn't Matthews understand that al-Qaida is the enemy camp, not West Point? Chris Matthews is a product of the mainstream media and the groupthink that permeates the industry. That's pretty disturbing to say the least.

UPDATE: Chris Matthews issues apology.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why the strength of the dollars matters

There is an oversupply of oil on the world market, yet gas prices have not fallen significantly.

Lastest Microsoft patches cause malfunctions on some PC's

Some of the recent Microsoft patches have resulted in the "black screen of death" for some users. It looks a little like this...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Some Toys 'R' Us shoppers were double charged on Black Friday

Toys 'R' Us shoppers in Albany, New York were double charged on Black Friday. According to the Consumerist, the problem could be national.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

3-D televison coming soon?

Sony hopes to get traction in the marketplace with 3-D technology.

Climategate: Scientific establishment losing all credibility

What would happen if Bernie Madoff and the Mafia were climatologists? Probably the same thing that has already happened according to this scathing column.

Christians are citizens too?

Educators get schooled on the First Amendment.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Climate change legislation makes certain politicians very wealthy

While Al Gore preaches that Americans must learn to use less energy, he uses far more energy than the typical American could ever dream of. 

I know, his apologists will say, "Those are dated articles, he has reduced his energy consumption". Or "That's an unfair comparison, he has to live in a 10,000 square foot mansion and heat an enormous swimming pool, most Americans don't have that kind of burden!"

It just seems odd that he did not feel the need to reduce his carbon footprint until unflattering reports about his energy consumption began to surface. While he may have reduced his energy consumption, he still uses far more than the average American. He claims that we are on the precipice of a global catastrophe that threatens our very existence. If he really believes that, I would expect him to live more like Ed Begley Jr. Now there's an alarmist you can believe in.

What is even more interesting is how wealthy Al Gore has become through his efforts to sell global warming. But to suggest that there is a profit motive here... well, shame on you for even considering such a thing. 

Let me translate the preceding video; what Al Gore just said is "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." When you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar, it's best to laugh at the accusation, then feign indignation. Kind of like this guy.

Last word: Complete guide to Black Friday

Consumer Reports offers last minute advice, deals and ratings.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Global warming, Cap and Tax frenzy

Now that California has solved it's unemployment and deficit issues, they are moving on to a state Cap and Tax scheme. This will further devastate our economy. Despite new revelations about manipulated climate data, law makers seem determined to further damage the economy.
Well, that seems about as reasonable as Ed Begley Jr.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Black Friday update

Retailers offer a sneak peak before newspaper ads.

Massive crib recall announced

The Consumer Product Safety Commission issued another massive recall affecting over 2 million cribs.

The thrill is gone!

What a heartbreak, it seems like it was just yesterday when...

Chris, here is your long distance dedication. I hope it eases the pain.

More Black Friday tips from Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports has more good advice to help you navigate through the minefields of Black Friday

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Motorola's Droid has a strange bug

Consumer Reports investigates a strange problem with the Droid's autofocus.

Jail is a breeding ground for radical Islamists

A bad day for Eric Holder

A worse day for Geithner

Minnesota moves against forced arbitration

Many believe that forced arbitration agreements are unfair to consumers; the Minnesota Attorney General agrees.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

California adopts new TV power standards

Once again, California disrupts an industry by requiring special energy standards from manufacturers that will likely result in higher prices for consumers.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Senate considers bank overdraft controls

Banks have created special computer programs for the purpose of increasing overdraft fees. The Senate is considering legislation to reign in the practice.

15 Million Americans may face an unexpected tax bill next year

Households affected will include two income households and those receiving Social Security benefits.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gently used or new appliances found cheap on Craigslist

With a little diligence, Craigslist user finds great deals on appliances.

All about Android

Are you thinking about switching to an Android phone? Here is a great rundown on what's available.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Quick guide to cheap cell phone plans

Change is coming to the cell phone market and competition is heating up.

Black Friday comes early to big chains

Many retailers are getting a jump start on Black Friday>

Cash for unwanted electronics

Sears launches new trade-in and recycle program for old electronics.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fannie Mae to allow troubled homeowners to rent homes

Troubled homeowners facing foreclosure will be allowed to rent homes for up to a year.

5 Black Friday sites to watch

Consumer Reports gives 5 websites to watch for Black Friday deals

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Verizon offers $99 smart phone

You can find more details here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CNET: Top 5 FREE downloads

Pay attention kids, there's some really good (and free) software on this list.

Latest cell phones to hit market

Next generation of cell phones challenge iPhone's supremacy. Lineup includes a phone you can take swimming.

Um, does that mean that it would survive an accidental ride in a washing machine? Just asking... no reason.