Thursday, July 29, 2010

Howard Dean can't catch a break

Early this week we saw Chris Wallace give Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean a hard time over the Shirley Sherrod incident. In this latest video, Howard Dean is confronted by Chris Matthews (of all people) over the Sherrod story.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality

A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong. Monday's ruling, according to Julea Ward's attorneys, could result in Christian students across the country being expelled from public university for similar views. Full Story>>

UPDATE: Student told to change 'unethical' Christian beliefs

Jennifer Keaton, a student at Augusta State University, was told that she would need to go through additional "training" to accept homosexuality or she would not graduate from the counseling program. She was recently interviewed on CNN along with an attorney from the Alliance Defense Fund.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fareed Zakaria interviews Islamist Anjem Chourdary

In case you missed it, earlier this month Fareed Zakaria interviewed Islam4UK spokesman Anjem Chourdary. He has praised Muslim terrorists, including the 9/11 hijackers. He also believes that Sharia Law should be implemented in the UK.

Demorcratic Gov Ed Rendell: "The President of the United States has to go on serious shows"

Governor Ed Rendall is not terribly pleased about President Obama's decision to appear on The View this Thursday.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cornel West: President Obama's 'No Messiah'

Cornel West is a man of the Left; Princeton University professor, member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and Obama supporter. That's what makes his comments in a recent interview all the more interesting:
On Glenn Beck: "I'll fight for the right of Glenn Beck to express his opinion. Even he has a right to be wrong, which he is most of the time. ... Beck appears to have a certain preoccupation with black folk. Why is he so obsessed with black people? I notice he doesn't give the Amish that much attention."
On what President Obama is doing wrong: "While he's made some good, positive changes, I don't think he's a messiah or even a very progressive politician. It turns out when you talk about hope, you have to be a long-distance runner."
On his current relationship with Obama: "He doesn't return my calls. ... I did 65 events for my dear brother Barack on the campaign trail but have not seen him since Martin Luther King Day 2008. ... I couldn't even get a ticket to the Inauguration for my mother. ... I think he has the kind of disposition where he just moves on." Full Story>>
Cornel was interviewed on CNN after Obama won the election. He seems to have lost some of the optimism he expressed at that time.

By the way, there is also a Hollywood connection for Cornel. You might remember that he had a small part in the Matrix trilogy as a member of the council and he also had a hand in developing the storyline as well.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shirley Sherrod incident: Chris Wallace has tough questions for the Left and Right

This is a great example of why it's unfair to tar and feather Fox News. Here is Chris Wallace asking very tough questions to Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean over the whole Shelly Sherrod incident.

Related articles:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Britain Plans to Decentralize National Health Care -

Even as the new coalition government said it would make enormous cuts in the public sector, it initially promised to leave health care alone. But in one of its most surprising moves so far, it has done the opposite, proposing what would be the most radical reorganization of the National Health Service, as the system is called, since its inception in 1948.

Practical details of the plan are still sketchy. But its aim is clear: to shift control of England’s $160 billion annual health budget from a centralized bureaucracy to doctors at the local level. Under the plan, $100 billion to $125 billion a year would be meted out to general practitioners, who would use the money to buy services from hospitals and other health care providers. Full Story>>


Is Bobby Jindal back from the hinterlands?

Political fortunes can turn on a dime. Perhaps Bobby Jindal's political fortunes are on the rise due to his recent speech in which he criticized the Federal governments response to the Gulf oil spill.

Back in February of 2009, Jindal was tapped to give the Republican response to Obama's State of the Union speech. After his response Jindal was widely criticized, even by Republicans, for a poor delivery lacking in gravitas. The most memorable reaction probably came from an open-mic Chris Matthews as Jindal began his speech. In roughly six-minutes, Jindal went from presidential contender to political lightweight. But if this speech is a sign of things to come from Jindal, he may very well become a force to be reckoned with.

Related articles:

Liberal talker Ed Schultz unloads on Obama administration

MSNBC talk show host Ed Schultz has a history of having, shall we say, exuberant outbursts. Here's one more.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wisdom from Hollywood - A Series

In this clip, entertainer Cyndi Lauper goes on a profanity laced tired. She refers to Bush and Cheney as "criminals" and evangelicals "devils".

This is America and she has every right to express her opinion. But those are some pretty harsh and hateful comments and she will never get called on it by the media. Liberals are never accused of hate-speech, only conservatives.

HT: Big Hollywood

Charle Rangel: "What station are you from?"

The Dems know that they usually get a pass from the MSM and this clip proves it. Luke Russert of MSNBC actually asked Rangel some tough but fair questions which clearly annoyed Rangel. Apparently Rangel thought Russert was from FOX News and also accused him of trying to make a name for himself.

But that's okay, because another reporter had Rangel's back with a follow-up question that moved the discussion away from Rangel's corruption to how Republicans might "exploit" the situation.

Notice how Rangel responds,"Now that's a good question." So, Charlie Rangel, a Democrat, is looking at ethics violations and this reporter can only ask about how Republicans might use this against the Democrats. In doing so, he shifted the emphasis of this story from Rangle's corruption to Republican exploitation.

Related articles:

Meet Charlie Rangel's opponent in the next election: Pastor Michael Faulkner

Faulkners Website


Student told to change 'unethical' Christian beliefs

AUGUSTA, Georgia, July 22, 2010 ( - Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed suit against Augusta State University Wednesday on behalf of a counseling student who was allegedly told that her Christian beliefs are unethical and incompatible with the prevailing views of the counseling profession. The student, Jennifer Keeton, says she has been told to stop communicating her beliefs and that she must undergo "training" to accept homosexuality in order to graduate from the counseling program. Full Story>>

UPDATE: Christians arrested in Dearborn

You may remember this story about the Christians who were arrested in Dearborn Michigan for handing out Scripture. There have been some interesting developments of late as the case works its way through the courts. Most notable is a surprising statement released by the ACLU in support of the Christian missionaries.
Michael Steinberg, the legal director for the ACLU of Michigan, told the Messenger via email, “Based solely on the videotape, it appears that the man encouraging others to convert to Christianity was engaged in speech protected by the First Amendment. The videotape suggests that the man who was arrested was not harassing the people with whom he was speaking, nor was he inciting a riot; rather, he was engaged in the type of free exchange of ideas about religion that is valued in a free society. The man’s message may not have been popular at this particular festival, but the Constitution protects unpopular speech as well as popular speech.”
Steinberg also says that what happened on Sunday, June 20 — when the same missionaries were shooed off a public sidewalk and told they had to be at least five blocks away to hand out literature — looks like an abuse of authority as well.
“If it was being distributed on public streets outside the area reserved for the festival,” he said, “then it was protected First Amendment activity because public streets are quintessential public forums where protection of freedom of speech is strongest.”
He also noted that “videotaping police officers in public – especially when documenting perceived police misconduct – is activity protected by the Constitution.”
Dan Ray, a professor of constitutional law at Cooley Law School in Ann Arbor, agrees. “If any local authority told the religious group that it could only distribute its literature five blocks away,” he said, “that’s a clear First Amendment violation.” As a legal question, he said, this was “not even a close call.” 
The Dearborn Police Department did not return calls seeking comment for this article.

.Related articles:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fallout from the Shirley Sherrod incident keeps rolling

I think Bill O'Reilly offered a fair analysis of the situation on his Talking Points Memo.

Comments around the Web>>.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

'Hezbollah-land' Attracting Jihad Tourists

On a hilltop where Hezbollah once launched its attacks on Israeli troops, families now picnic next to an abandoned Merkava tank. A 3-year-old boy beamed as he walked in, carrying a plastic assault rifle that was practically his size.

In Lebanon, visitors tour tanks and exhibits from Hezbollah's war with Israel.
At Hezbollah's "Museum for Resistance Tourism" on the mountain stronghold of Mleeta, war is celebrated, glamorized, and fashioned into an interactive display. Full Story>>

U.S. Navy Successfully Uses Laser to Shoot Down Drones :: CBS News

The U.S. Navy has used a a laser weapon to shoot down four unmanned aerial vehicles in a test that rings up memories of Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars" missile defense shield in the 1980s. Full Story>>

Darth Vader has a new gig

Well, now that the Empire has crumbled, you have a lot unemployed people. Fortunately, it looks like Mr. Vader has landed on his feet and found a gig with Tom Tom. But who knew he was such a diva?

Darth Vader GPS recording session @ Yahoo! Video

UPDATE: Apparently that gig didn't work out so well. Sadly, Mr. Vader is now a suspect in a recent bank robbery. So sad to see yet another Hollywood icon self-destruct. Full Story>>


Daily Caller: Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright

It was the moment of greatest peril for then-Sen. Barack Obama’s political career. In the heat of the presidential campaign, videos surfaced of Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, angrily denouncing whites, the U.S. government and America itself. Obama had once bragged of his closeness to Wright. Now the black nationalist preacher’s rhetoric was threatening to torpedo Obama’s campaign.
The crisis reached a howling pitch in mid-April, 2008, at an ABC News debate moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos. Gibson asked Obama why it had taken him so long – nearly a year since Wright’s remarks became public – to dissociate himself from them. Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you think Reverend Wright loves America as much as you do?”
Watching this all at home were members of Journolist, a listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists, as well as like-minded professors and activists. The tough questioning from the ABC anchors left many of them outraged. “George [Stephanopoulos],” fumed Richard Kim of the Nation, is “being a disgusting little rat snake.”
Others went further. According to records obtained by The Daily Caller, at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage. Full Story>>

NAACP wrap up

Buy now you've certainly seen or heard about the video in which Georgia's Director of Rural Development Shirley Sherrod (an Obama appointee) admits that she has made decisions about who to help based on race. Well, she has resigned and NAACP President  Benjamin Jealous issued a statement condemning Sherrod's behavior. Apparently, Jealous feels the need to engage in damage control after the NAACP voted to condemn the Tea Party movement as racist.

Now they have something else to explain: Alvin Greene. Greene, who is facing felony obscenity charges, spoke at a local chapter of the NAACP and received an, shall we say, enthusiastic reception.

UPDATE: NAACP retracts condemnation of Shelly Sherrod:
“With regard to the initial media coverage of the resignation of USDA official Shirley Sherrod, we have come to the conclusion we were snookered by Fox News and Tea Party Activist Andrew Breitbart into believing she had harmed white farmers because of racial bias,” said Jealous. “Having reviewed the full tape, spoken to Ms. Sherrod, and most importantly heard the testimony of the white farmers mentioned in this story, we now believe the organization that edited the documents did so with the intention of deceiving millions of Americans.”
Shelly Sherrod was also scheduled to appear on Fox News with Megyn Kelley to explain her side of the story but cancelled at the last minute. According to Megan Kelly, Sherrod also claimed that she was pressured to resign by the White House. You can see the full video of Sherrod's speech here.

Bob Schieffer's got some splanin' to do

Bob Scheiffer explains why he did not ask Attorney General Eric Holder about the dismissal of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case.

Reminds me of another MSM anchor who was completely unaware of the brewing Acorn scandel.

Remember, they also missed the John Edwards' story because they were so busy working to discredit Sarah Palin during the last election cycle. It has become very clear that the MSM has lost all objectivity.

Huge disconnect between D.C. elites and general population

In their opinions on policy and politicians ranging from President Barack Obama to Sarah Palin, elites in Washington have a strikingly divergent outlook from the rest of the nation, according to a new POLITICO poll released Monday. Full Story>>

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Obama's ties to Black Liberation Theology

Naked Emperor News has once again scoured the Internet and compiled a video that clearly demonstrates where Obama philosophical center lies. His ties to Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology runs long and deep.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carville still unhappy with Obama

Carville continues to vent his frustration at the White House. This time he is angry about the drilling moratorium and the effect it will have on the economy.

Democrats breaking away from Obama immigration lawsuit

Arizona Democrat, Ann Kirkpatrick, appeared on FOX News to voice her opposition to the stance that the Obama administration has taken on immigration policy.

Black and minority conservatives speak out against NAACP Tea Party Resolution.

Today over at Big Government, black conservatives respond to charges made by the NAACP.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

UPDATE: 4 Christians charged in Dearborn, Michigan

Last month four Christians were arrested for disturbing the peace while handing out the Gospel of John in Dearborn, Michigan, which has a large Muslim population. Today they have been officially charged. Full Story>>

HT: Gateway Pundit

Monday, July 12, 2010

Michelle Obama to NAACP: "America is still unequal"

Economist Thomas Sowell might respond to that statement by asking, "Compared to what?"

Geraldo interviews New Black Panther Chairman

I suspect that the New Black Panther Party is a small, but very vocal group. Nevertheless, they have garnered a few headlines of late. I do know one thing, I don't want these guys standing in front of my polling place.

Gibbs: Dems could lose House

Why would Gibbs make such a stunning admission? In a word, "Strategery".

With that in mind, here is an analysis from Frank Lutz on why the Dems will likely lose a large number of seats in November.

Abortion: It's the right thing to do

Does culture matter? Is there a message in the madness we call entertainment? Yes, yes, and yes. In the latest episode of NBC's Friday Night Lights, one of it's characters decided to have an abortion and resolutely proclaims, "It was the right thing to do."

Did this start a firestorm of controversy? Well, no, no, and no. The media largely praised the writers for tackling the issue with tact and aplomb. Kind of like they responded to the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad.

Comments on the Web>>


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Obama loses drilling moratorium appeal

The Obama administration lost its court bid to maintain a six-month moratorium on offshore deepwater drilling which a federal judge ordered lifted last month.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the government's emergency request to stay that judge's order pending appeal.

The motion was denied because the government failed to show "a likelihood of irreparable injury if the stay is not granted," the appeals panel judges wrote in a 2-1 ruling. Continue>> 

Obama and Netanyahu mending fences?

July 6 - Visiting the White House for fence-mending talks, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu received a warmer welcome than in March when President Obama kept him at arms' length. Jon Decker reports. Reuters

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

California school district adopts Bible course

A California school district has decided in a 5-0 vote to adopt a Bible course that will be available to students in the upcoming school year.

Beginning this fall, high school seniors of the Chino Valley School District will have the chance to enroll in a new course called "Bible as/in Literature and History." Continue>>

NASA prime directive: Reach out to Muslims

In this interview with Al Jazeera, NASA adminstrater Charles Bolden discusses the importance of reaching out to the Muslim world. It's a long video, but you'll get the gist in the first two minutes.

... and another Charles has some thoughts about this newly defined mission statement for NASA.

Obama appointee: Healthcare plan must redistribute wealth

Barack Obama made a recess appointment of David Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services today.

Below is an excerpt from a 2008 speech given to a British audience in which he made the following statement, “Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.”

UPDATE: White House responds, well not really, but here is Gibbs not answering a reporter's question about Berwick's comments.

These are the guys the DOJ refused to prosecute for voter intimidation

Former DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams testifies at U.S. Civil Rights Commission Hearing:

A little perspective

With Biden and the Obama administration now claiming success in Iraq, it's important to remember how hard they fought against the policies that helped to turn the tide in that war.

HT: Gateway Pundit

Obama already considered a better President than Reagan... by liberal academic pinheads

First he won the Nobel Peace Prize within a year of moving into the White House, and now, with less than 18 months of executive power under his belt, historians agree that President Obama is one of the greatest U.S. presidents this country has ever seen. Well, cracks the top 15, at least.

Using a multi-category rating scale [rankings], a Siena College Research Institute survey of 238 historians, academics and political scientists ranked Obama as the 15th greatest president since the nation’s founding. Sandwiched between Andrew Jackson and Lyndon Johnson, the 44th president beat out Ronald Reagan by three slots. Continue>> 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day

Freedom is never free. Independence from Great Britain came at great cost.

On that note, we have so much to be thankful for. No one sings America the Beautiful better than Ray Charles.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Florida school district bans Bibles on Religious Freedom Day

Maitland-based Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit Thursday to overturn a ban on Bible distribution on public school campuses in Collier County. According to the Liberty Counsel, the Collier County School Board allowed World Changers to distribute free Bibles to students during off-school hours on Religious Freedom Day, but now the school officials claim that Bibles do not provide any educational benefit to the students and the distribution should stop. Continue>>