Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tebow derangement syndrome

Here comes Super Bowl Sunday and the controversy around the Tim Tebow ad that almost no one has seen. But that hasn't stopped the shrill army of protesters from NOW, NARAL, and Gloria Allred from having a complete melt-down over what is purported to be a 30-second spot about Mrs. Tebow and her decision to forego an abortion despite a highly dangerous pregnancy.

Well, good news, Planned Parenthood has come up with a response to the Tebow ad (which no one has seen yet), featuring two prominent athletes (men), discussing their respect for women and their right to choose. Incidentally, isn't Planned Parenthood funded in part by tax dollars? How many Americans are happy to pay for this:

Notice what was not discussed in this ad, namely, what is the unborn. Is it human or not? Isn't that the main issue at hand? What was discussed: Their love of family, their mothers and daughters, grassy meadows and puppy dogs. That's all nice and well, but beside the point.

This is where the forehead slap comes; Sean James said, "We are working toward the day where [sic] every woman will be valued." How much do they value unborn women? Take China for example, because of forced abortions, many families elect to abort females so they can have a son. That is really bad for women.

Ultimately, people refuse to see abortion for what it really is. Case in point, take the iron tight logic of this young lady:

It is unconscionable in this age of scientific enlightenment, as we have begun to unlock the secrets of DNA, that anyone would dismiss the unborn as some unremarkable glob of tissue. To do so is intellectually dishonest at best.

By the way, we can't forget about another ad that was rejected by the media before the Tebow controversy.

Here is the horrifying ad that caused a firestorm of controversy.

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