Monday, July 26, 2010

Cornel West: President Obama's 'No Messiah'

Cornel West is a man of the Left; Princeton University professor, member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and Obama supporter. That's what makes his comments in a recent interview all the more interesting:
On Glenn Beck: "I'll fight for the right of Glenn Beck to express his opinion. Even he has a right to be wrong, which he is most of the time. ... Beck appears to have a certain preoccupation with black folk. Why is he so obsessed with black people? I notice he doesn't give the Amish that much attention."
On what President Obama is doing wrong: "While he's made some good, positive changes, I don't think he's a messiah or even a very progressive politician. It turns out when you talk about hope, you have to be a long-distance runner."
On his current relationship with Obama: "He doesn't return my calls. ... I did 65 events for my dear brother Barack on the campaign trail but have not seen him since Martin Luther King Day 2008. ... I couldn't even get a ticket to the Inauguration for my mother. ... I think he has the kind of disposition where he just moves on." Full Story>>
Cornel was interviewed on CNN after Obama won the election. He seems to have lost some of the optimism he expressed at that time.

By the way, there is also a Hollywood connection for Cornel. You might remember that he had a small part in the Matrix trilogy as a member of the council and he also had a hand in developing the storyline as well.

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