Friday, January 29, 2010

Cutting edge technology: The first iPad

The iPad - watch more funny videos

Obama Nominee: Society Should ‘Not Tolerate Private Beliefs’ That ‘Adversely Affect’ Homosexuals

A disturbing trend of the Obama administration is to nominate people to key positions with extreme views. His latest nominee, Chai Feldblum, is apparently willing to trample over religious liberty in pursuit of a radical agenda:

"Feldblum does recognize that elements of the homosexual agenda may infringe on Americans’ religious liberties. However, Feldblum argues that society should 'come down on the side' of homosexual equality at the expense of religious liberty. Because the conflict between the two is 'irreconcilable,' religious liberty -- which she also calls 'belief liberty' -- must be placed second to the 'identity liberty' of homosexuals." 

- Chai Feldblum, Georgetown University law professor

Go to full article>>

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union: A Postmortem

Chris Matthews: "I forgot he was black"

Obama confronts Supreme Court

Harry Reid Yawns

Pundits weigh in

And we're right back where we started

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Journalism: The most trusted scam in America

Bill Whittle discusses a shocking episode in the history of American journalism that everyone should know about.

Fuzzy math?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Death of dream

Here is a brief look back at the high hopes the MSM had for a fledgling Air America.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

FAIL: Air America

Air America has suddenly announced that it will be leaving the airwaves today; and a nation mourns.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Home-schooling arrest in New York

A New York couple has been arrested for failing to report they were home schooling. The arrests came a week after the school district notified the family that they were in compliance.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

The new song that's sweeping the nation

First there was General Larry Platt.

Then there was Jimmy Fallon.

And now Brett Favre and the Vikings after their victory over Dallas.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

More shameless profiteering from global warming

There seems to be a recurring theme when it comes to climate change legislation, people in power get money and perks.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Even CNN's Jack Cafferty is outraged... which puts me in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Luck of the Amish

I've always admired the Amish, now I'm thinking about becoming one. It appears they will be exempt from any health care legislation that might become law. However, there is some good news; according to Christopher Dodd, the health care bill is "Hanging by a thread". But, just in case, I'm going to buy a big hat and shine my buckles. Wait, I might be confusing them with the Pilgrims... but I'm still getting that hat.


Global warming on the hot seat

This is John Hirst, he is chief of the Meteorological (MET) Office  in the UK and a huge proponent of  global warming. Andrew Neal of the BBC got a little over heated and  put Mr. Hirst on the hot seat (pun intended).

Well, there's some good news just in time to cool things down. Some leading climatologists believe that global warming might take a break for a "mini ice age".


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oliver Stone to put Hitler and Stalin "In context"

Here is more nonsense from Oliver stone. Stone is directing an upcoming "documentary" for Showtime. In it, he asserts that Hitler and Stalin are misunderstood and he seeks to correct the record. It is his hope that these "documentaries" will eventually be shown in classrooms as well.

Considering the success Matt Damon and Howard Zinn are having with "The People Speak", a History Channel production and college tour, Stone will likely get his wish.

In the article Stone mentions how much he despises George Bush. Of course, you might remember that Stone also thinks Ronald Reagan was "dumb". Apparently you have to be a fascist to win Mr. Stone's approval.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cutting edge technology... 30 years ago

Here is a fun look back at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1979 when the VCR was cutting edge technology.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brave New World

CBS medical correspondent advises 7th-8th graders on contraception.

That was then...

This is now...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Smart phone comparison

The folks at has a great chart comparing the latest smart phones.

The Nexus has landed

It's official; read about here and here.

Free Android apps for the road

Consumer reports has assembled a list of useful (and free) apps for Android phones.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A look at London's "Booze Buses"

Some officials claim that the drinking culture in the UK has become an epidemic. Thousands of drunken New Year's Eve revelers are given needed medical attention by "Booze Buses".