Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama's Aunt: In her own words

This interview leaves me speechless...

CNN: 'Fox News is essentially the voice of the Republican party'

Rick Sanchez of CNN slams Fox News as an arm of the Republican party. He claims that they are trying to make Obama look bad no matter what he does. He forgot to mention that CNN, along with the rest of the MSM, is trying to make Obama look good, no matter what he does.

Jimmy Carter (the greatest president ever) agrees:

Howard Dean explains how NOT to answer questions

In this clip Howard Dean explains the "pivot"; don't answer the question you're asked, change the subject, answer the question they should've asked. He goes on to say that Bill Clinton was the best at it.

Here is a great example of Barrack Obama NOT answering a question. Does NOT answering a question also mean that you don't think about the question as well?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clinton: Sorry, my bad

When the health care debut was in full swing, Clinton urged the Obama administration to pass the Health Care Bill despite fierce public opposition. He was convinced that once it passed, America would embrace the new legislation with open arms. As of 2:00 PM this afternoon, that still hasn't happened.

To his credit, David Gregory asked the former president about his miscalculation and the continuing anger over ObamaCare.

Jimmy Carter is superior

If you don't believe me just ask Jimmy. He stated that his role has been superior to other former presidents. What I really love is how Brian Williams interrupts his own interview with Carter (this just in) to insert a clarifying remark, "For the Record." But when you consider Williams' original question, I seriously doubt that Carter misspoke.

For good measure, Carter also took a whack at Fox News and the Tea Party. By the way, did you know that Obama is a Christian? If not, Brian Williams will drive that point home as well.

Media mash: "Imagine" + "Jump"

I know nothing about music theory (or grammer). But, I'm guessing that whoever (or is it whomever?) put this song together knows a little something about the subject. They combined the music from John Lenin's (misspelling intentional) "Imagine" and the lyrics from Van Halen's "Jump". The result is vastly superior to anything Lenin imagined. I much prefer the insipid lyrics of "Jump" over the nonsense spouted in the original version.

Obama fatigue

Even former supporters are tired. Or as this lady stated, "Frankly, I’m exhausted. I’m tired of defending you… My husband and I thought we were beyond the hot dog and beans of our lives."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Man arrested for defending home, family against gang members

Perhaps you thought that you had the right to defend yourself and your family against criminals. Well, guess again. A Long Island man was arrested for firing four warning shots into the ground after his home was approached by dozens of gang members. Apparently, Long Island is now part of the Arizona border.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Islamization of Paris

This hidden camera video shows just how influential Islam is becoming in Paris as Muslims regularly shut-down public streets for prayer.

Just a friendly reminder, you're still a racist

Just in case you've forgotten, if you're against the policies of the current administration, and if you don't absolutely love the idea of a Ground Zero mosque, you're a racist.

Recovery Summer incognito

In the off-chance that you haven't noticed, the economy is red hot, on fire and growing like dandelions in the Spring.

Krauthammer on the $50,000,000,000 stimulus

According to Krauthammer, this latest stimulus proposal is just an effort for government to appear as if it's doing something, but in the end, it will all add up to just more debt.