Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kagan won't say if Gov't can tell people what to eat

It's a simple enough question, yet Kagan refuses to answer in a straight forward manner. The chess game being played here is obvious, and because of her refusal to answer, Kagan's judicial philosophy is also obvious.

Biden knows how to treat the common folk

By now you've probably heard about Joe Biden's sharp rebuke of custard shop owner, Scott Borkin. Borkin, during his interview with Greta Van Susteran, said he was "shocked" by the VP's reaction. Of course, this is not the first time Biden has put his foot in his mouth, and if history is any indicator, it will certainly not be his last.

Remember, during the election Obama looked around for a running mate, saw Biden and thought, "That's my guy!". But then he also thought Reverend Wright was a good choice for a pastor - then he ran on the idea that it's not about experience, but judgement.

Speaking of Reverend Wright, he's back in the news for making more incendiary comments about Israel.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cops Arrest Christians For Handing Out Bibles to Muslims in Michigan

Has Sharia law come to Michagan? Several  Christians peacefully distributing the Gospel of John outside an Arab festival were arrested for disorderly conduct. Full Story>>

HT: Gateway Pundit

Mexico joins lawsuits against Arizona over new immigration law

(Reuters) - Mexico joined a legal challenge to Arizona's controversial new immigration law on Tuesday, arguing that the measure is unconstitutional and would harm bilateral relations with the United States. Continue>> 

Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm Dredging

NEW ORLEANS -- The federal government is shutting down the dredging that was being done to create protective sand berms in the Gulf of Mexico. Continue>> 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Only 20 skimmers deployed to Florida because they might be needed elsewhere

The oil spill cleanup continues to be horribly mismanaged. According to Florida Senator George LeMieux, America has 2,000 oil skimmers, so far only 20 have been deployed to the coast of Florida. The Obama administration also continues to reject foreign assistance.

Judge halts Obama's oil-drilling ban

A federal judge in New Orleans halted President Obama's deepwater drilling moratorium on Tuesday, saying the government never justified the ban and appeared to mislead the public in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Continued>>

Mexican drug cartels openly threatening police officers

The situation in Arizona continues to deteriorate. Off-duty police officers are being openly threatened by Mexican drug cartels. This comes at a bad time with the Obama administration planning to sue Arizona for it's newly enacted immigration law, and law enforcement budgets stretched thin due to budget woes. Drug cartels have also taken over Arizona park lands, a development that has been met with a collective yawn by the Obama Administration.

Obama's golf game, good for America!

White House spokesman, Bill Burton, insists that it's good for the President to spend time on the golf course. I don't have a problem with that. It just seems like he spends a lot of time on the golf course and has a lot of White House parties... parties that have the sensibilities of a late-night talk show.

But this is an interesting contrast to George Bush who was criticized when he STOPPED playing golf. Bush said, "... I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chris Rock: I wish Bush were still President

Comedian Chris Rock was in the middle of telling a joke about George Bush; but then something interesting happened on his way to the punchline. The audience erupted into spontaneous applause for the former President.

Another stinging ad for Obama

Let's face it, Obama has been supplying his detractors with plenty of material to use against him.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Focus group unimpressed with Obama's speech

This is one of the most animated focus groups I've seen conducted by Frank Luntz. Luntz's usual even-tempered demeanor gave way to visible frustration.

Obama surrenders to Mexico

This is an incredible story. Even more incredible is how it's flying under the radar.

UPDATE: Obama breaks promise Governor of Arizona.

The latest threat to America - Right Wingers

Chris Matthews is hosting an upcoming "documentary" that Andrea Mitchell referred to as "scary stuff". Was it about Muslim terrorists? No. The program is titled "Rise of The New Right".

UPDATE: You can catch all six-parts of this "documentary" here.
UPDATE: Here is a must-read response to Chris Matthews over at Hot-Air.

I'm waiting for the Matthews documentary about violence and intimidation from the Left.

Obama's speech fails to 'wow'

Obama's oil speech seems to have disappointed everyone. Including his usual boosters. These were the headlines at Obama friendly HuffPo and Salon:
Even MSNBC's Olbermann and Matthews had some scathing words of cristicism for the the President with these comments (among others):
Matthews: “I don’t sense executive command.”
Olbermann: "I don't think he aimed low, I don't think he aimed at all. It's startling."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alvin Greene: Republican conspiracy or voter apathy?

It is clear that the Dems think that they can blame Republicans for everything, including ill-informed voters. Alvin Greene, a complete unknown who is facing felony obscenity charges, won sixty-percent of the primary vote. If that is not a clear mandate, I don't know what is. Or, it could be that his name appeared first on the ballot and voters confused him with legendary R&B singer, Al Green - who knows. But it is clear that the voters of South Carolina did not care enough to find out anything about Mr. Greene.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of "Blame Republicans first, don't ask questions later", here is Democrat Congressman James Clyburn making baseless accusations.

This following video demonstrates that you can never be too surprised by ill-informed, media fed voters.

UPDATE: Voter admits voting for Alvin Greene because his name was similar to Al Green.

Dennis Prager at University of Denver

Prager gives a passionate talk about America and the importance of the upcoming elections.

Anger and frustration on The Left

This can't be a positive trend for the Dems. Increasingly, they are getting pilloried by their own constituents who think that the Obama administration has not moved far enough to the Left. And don't forget how angry James "The Ragin' Cajun" Carville is over Obama's handling of the oil spill.

Here are just a few examples:
First Nancy Pelosi is heckled by Code Pink, and apparently they were also throwing things. Rough crowd that Code Pink.

This small far Left crowd is not at all pleased with Obama. Please excuse the language in this video.

Last example, Obama himself was heckled at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer.

Now, what was that about the incivility of the Tea Party movement? I hate to sound like a broken record, but if the Republicans were facing this kind of rancor from their base, and low poll numbers from the public in general, the news would sound much different than it does right now.

In fact, we often see news reports that imply Obama is just to brilliant for the average American to understand. Futhermore, those who would oppose his agenda are caricatured as ignorant, knuckle-dragging racists (i.e. Tea Partier's); therefore, we must trust in his vision for America and the world.

That is very interesting, because if I could summarize the media's general tone toward each president since 1976, it would look something like this:
  • Jimmy Carter - Brilliant, perhaps too brilliant.
  • Reagan - Dumb, simple minded, out of touch, incompetent, perhaps the most incompetent president of the modern era.
  • George H.W. Bush - Stupid (no one bought that one), out of touch.
  • Clinton - Brilliant, perhaps too brilliant.
  • George W. Bush - Narrow minded, stupid and Incompetent, perhaps the most incompetent president since Ronald Reagan.
  • Obama - Brilliant, perhaps too brilliant.
Notice a trend here? A president's intelligence is in direct proportion to whether or not there is a 'D' in front of his name.

The media will continue to carry water for this administration, but when you survey the landscape it is clear that a large percentage of Americans are extremely unhappy with this administration and it's policies for one reason or another.

UPDATE: In the latest presidential survey of academics, Obama already ranks higher than Reagan. Need I say more?


Monday, June 14, 2010

Democrat Congressman goes gangsta on college student

This is yet another example of the horrible violence coming out of the Tea Party movement... Oh wait, no this is a Democrat congressman assaulting a college student for asking a reasonable question. Well, I'm sure that the MSM will not rest until this man is forced to resign for such reprehensible behavior (unless there's a double standard). Oh wait, what's that, he apologized? Well never mind then.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The man who condescends to be President

This week Mark Steyn writes in his column about the new breed of politician, personified by Barrack Obama -  the global citizen:
"He's the first president to give off the pronounced whiff that he's condescending to the job - that it's really too small for him and he's just killing time until something more commensurate with his stature comes along."

Pelosi doubles-down on blame Bush

Barrack Obama is almost halfway through his first term as President. Nevertheless, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi believes that all of the problems facing America is still George Bush's fault. But on a more optimistic note, Pelosi said she will stop blaming Bush "When the problems go away".

Friday, June 11, 2010

Barbara Boxer: Carbon pollution is the greatest threat to national security

According to Barbara Boxer, carbon pollution is the greatest threat to our national security. She doesn't seem terribly concerned about terrorism or a nuclear North Korea and Iran. Please California, do your country a favor and send Boxer packing in November.

More from the "Ragin' Cajun", James Carville

James Carville, a loyal and high-profile Democrat, has been very outspoken and critical of the Obama administration's handling of The Gulf oil spill. First, he blew a gusher on GMA with George Stephanopoulos - and now he continues to go off at CNN.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rosie O'Donnell is puzzled by the backlash against Helen Thomas

Rosie's on a roll, first she openly supports communism, and now she agrees that Israel is occupying "Palestine". Rosie and her crew seem amazed that people reacted negatively to Thomas' comments.

I'm amazed that they're amazed.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A tribute to Barbara "Call me Senator" Boxer

Rosie O'Donnell calls for communism

Rosie O'Donnell calls on the Obama administration to seize the assets of British Petroleum. That's right, Rosie wants Obama to seize the assets of BRITISH Petroleum.

Well, at least she's on the same page with Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

Obama takes photo with Abbas after refusing picture with Netanyahu

Sending a clear message to the Arab world, President Obama refused to take official White House photos with Israel's PM Netanyahu during his March visit. But he is more than happy to have a sit down photo op with Mahmoud Abbas, which seems to be part of a disturbing trend; and I don't know when this photo was taken, but I find it disturbing as well (note the body language).

Yet another indicator that the Obama administration has changed America's footing toward Israel. Continue>>

UPDATE: Gee, I wonder what Krauthammer thinks about these developments...

HT: Gateway Pundit


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Battle at FOX News

Chalk up another one for Ingraham. She had a rather spirited exchange with the OReilly. I don't think he faired any better than Matt Lauer on this one.

Another home run for Christie

Chris Christie speaks in support of school vouchers and hits the teacher's union where it hurts.

Christie speaks in Washington DC, calling Newark schools 'absolutely disgraceful'

Breakout the fiddle

There is so much happening these days with the Gulf oil spill, heightened tensions in Korea, the Middle East and record unemployment. If the current occupant of the White House were say, I don't know, a republican - I think they would be accused of being out-of-touch and insensitive to the plight of ordinary Americans if they continued to throw lavish White House parties. But those rules just don't apply to some.

In fact, the MSM will celebrate in their own special way.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

And remember, for good measure, always throw-in the obligatory kick in the shin to George Bush.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Esteemed "journalist" Helen Thomas to Jews in Israel: "Get the hell out of Palestine... go back to Poland..."

And, as you can see in the following video, this kind of thinking is also well represented on our college campuses.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I have no idea what to make of this video or what Nancy Pelosi is talking about. But one thing it does demonstrate is that the Left gets a free pass to talk about their "religious values".

Just a reminder, this is what usually happens when someone from the Right expresses a religious thought... all hell breaks loose.