Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Anger and frustration on The Left

This can't be a positive trend for the Dems. Increasingly, they are getting pilloried by their own constituents who think that the Obama administration has not moved far enough to the Left. And don't forget how angry James "The Ragin' Cajun" Carville is over Obama's handling of the oil spill.

Here are just a few examples:
First Nancy Pelosi is heckled by Code Pink, and apparently they were also throwing things. Rough crowd that Code Pink.

This small far Left crowd is not at all pleased with Obama. Please excuse the language in this video.

Last example, Obama himself was heckled at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer.

Now, what was that about the incivility of the Tea Party movement? I hate to sound like a broken record, but if the Republicans were facing this kind of rancor from their base, and low poll numbers from the public in general, the news would sound much different than it does right now.

In fact, we often see news reports that imply Obama is just to brilliant for the average American to understand. Futhermore, those who would oppose his agenda are caricatured as ignorant, knuckle-dragging racists (i.e. Tea Partier's); therefore, we must trust in his vision for America and the world.

That is very interesting, because if I could summarize the media's general tone toward each president since 1976, it would look something like this:
  • Jimmy Carter - Brilliant, perhaps too brilliant.
  • Reagan - Dumb, simple minded, out of touch, incompetent, perhaps the most incompetent president of the modern era.
  • George H.W. Bush - Stupid (no one bought that one), out of touch.
  • Clinton - Brilliant, perhaps too brilliant.
  • George W. Bush - Narrow minded, stupid and Incompetent, perhaps the most incompetent president since Ronald Reagan.
  • Obama - Brilliant, perhaps too brilliant.
Notice a trend here? A president's intelligence is in direct proportion to whether or not there is a 'D' in front of his name.

The media will continue to carry water for this administration, but when you survey the landscape it is clear that a large percentage of Americans are extremely unhappy with this administration and it's policies for one reason or another.

UPDATE: In the latest presidential survey of academics, Obama already ranks higher than Reagan. Need I say more?


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