Friday, November 19, 2010

Shades of Europe in Northern California

We've seen the recent unrest in parts of Europe as entitlement programs are being reduced. Now in Northern California, we have college students attacking and assaulting police officers over increased tuition. I'm guessing that there aren't many Tea Partiers in this crowd.

On a separate, but closely related note, Peter Hitchens hits the nail on the head in his recent column about the deleterious effects of higher education on society at large.
"For many people, college is a corrupting, demoralising experience. They imagine they are independent when they are in fact parasites, living off their parents or off others and these days often doomed to return home with a sense of grievance and no job. They also become used to being in debt – a state that previous generations rightly regarded with horror and fear."
"And they pass through the nasty, sordid rite of passage known as ‘Freshers’ Week’, in which they are encouraged to drink dangerous amounts of alcohol and to lose what’s left of their sexual inhibitions after the creepy sex educators have got at them at school. If they have learned self-disciplined habits of work and life, they are under pressure to forget all about them, suddenly left alone in a world almost completely stripped of authority."
"I think this debauching of the minds and bodies of the young is more or less deliberate. The horrible liberal Woodrow Wilson, who eventually became President of the United States, was originally an academic who once blurted out the truth as seen by many such people. He said in a rare moment of candour: ‘Our aim is to turn out young men as unlike their fathers as possible.’"
You can read the full article here. It is a must read.


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