Friday, November 19, 2010

Reporter calls Palin an 'Extraordinary ass' on MSNBC

Here is more of the extreme vitriol coming from the Left toward Sarah Palin. They can be as vicious and insulting as want to be, and that without apology.

The media has used completely new tactics to demolish Palin and her family. Another example I would point to is how the media trotted-out Levi Johnston in a further attempt to damage Palin. I can't think of another example when the media felt the need to interview the exboyfriend of the daughter of a former V.P. candidate.

In her new book, Palin criticizes the media for the attention they gave to Levi Johnston: "It was disgusting to watch as his 15 minutes of fame were exploited by supposed adults taking advantage of this lost kid." NewsBusters documented six stories and three "exclusive interviews on the CBS Early Show alone. Johnston also made the rounds at CNN, NBC, and ABC as well. Here is a small sample:

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